It’s All Italian… Yes It Is: New EP Mi Senti by @RoisinMurphy



One of the most unique projects of the year thus far, for those of you who don’t mind hearing music in another language, is Mi Senti, a six song EP of songs sung in Italian by none other than Róisín Murphy.  Being married to an Italian I’m sure must have been an impetus for tackling songs in that language, but she apparently has been fascinated by it for a long time.  The result is a lovely, moody, mainly chilled out and occasionally danceable release that will certainly please fans of the singer.  Róisín is at her best and immersed in the songs, which, if you speak another language, you know is very hard to do.  The best ones here are the opener “Ancora Ancora Ancora”, the laid back disco of “Ancora Tu”, and the mysterious cabaret-flavoured “Non Credere”.  Open your ears folks and give a listen to the entire EP below.  It’s available on iTunes on May 28.  Give this terrific article a read for more background.